Allingham dictated those early stories:
Youngman Carter wrote them down. It was not long, however, before he
found more amusing ways to spend his time while she became more
serious and more personal in her approach to her novels and to her
detective. “As the only life I had to give anyone was my own,”
she wrote, “we became very close as time went by.” The character
of Campion developed: the novels became less obviously funny, they
became richer, darker, odder, more varied and more plangent.
Allingham continued to value her
husband's opinion and liked to present the two of them publicly as
partners in an “art-and fiction factory”. This was not often
true. Nevertheless they were joint directors of a limited company
and, when Allingham died, Youngman Carter's immediate task was to
complete The Cargo of Eagles, her
work in progress. He
continued with his own two titles, Mr Campion's Farthing
and Mr Campion's Falcon (both
recently republished by Ostara) and, when he died in 1969, he left
the beginnings of a third. Campion novel. It was no more than a
fragment with no indication of character development or plot outline
and it is this that Mike Ripley has taken up and completed –
There's something
nasty brewing in the historic wool town of Lindsay Carfax and
Superintendent Luke of the C I D persuades his old friend Campion to
go down and take a look. Ripley identifies Lindsay Carfax with the
Suffolk town of Lavenham and obviously relishes building up the
subterranean geography of the place as well as a cast of variously
unpleasant, untrustworthy and unstable characters. He claims,
modestly, to be following Youngman Carter rather than Allingham
herself but he's a more experienced and assured novelist than
Youngman Carter ever was. He permits himself a wider range of
characters, including (rather daringly) Campion's wife, the
flame-haired Lady Amanda and their son, Rupert, with his young wife
Perdita, one of Youngman Carter's own new characters. I have my
doubts about the self-consciously thespian Rupert and Perdita but
can't quibble at all with Ripley's decision to use them for the more
physically adventurous chapters of the investigation.
Mr Campion is not
longer young. In 1958 Allingham herself wrote a mock interview with
Albert Campion in which she identified some of the problems facing an
ageing series detective.
dear girl,” he said […] How can I?”
you what?” […]
about. Pull guns and shoot lines […] I mean everyone knows how old
I am. You saw to that,
fixing it at the same age as the century so we shouldn't get
Mr Campion's Farewell
is set in the late 1960s / early 70s – the time that it would have
been published had Youngman Carter lived to complete it. It has a
consciously dated feel which Ripley manages well. Younger characters
such Ripley's own Eliza Jane Fitton wear mini-skirts and have sex
outside marriage but the seventy-year old Campion is always central
to the action – much more so than he had been in most of the later
Allinghams. There is no glossing over his infirmity. “He knew he
was going to be too late. He was a man who could no longer keep up
with his allies, let alone chase his enemies. He was too slow. He was
too old.”
Ripley's publishers make the most of Allingham's name, announcing
that “Margery Allingham's Albert Campion Returns”. It's a
tribute to an author when their character becomes a brand. Allingham
herself was a lifelong media professional. She knew about writing to
an editor's or publisher's requirements to entertain readers and to
make money. She called this “left-handed” writing and put her
Campion short stories in this category. Her mature Campion novels
were “right-handed” – motivated by a need to explore and
express personal issues which went beyond the necessity to earn her
Carter's Albert Campion is clearly a “left-handed” creation but
what about Mike Ripley's? He's a lifelong Allingham enthusiast and
the process of writing a homage can be a very personal exercise in
artistic exploration and self-expression. Ripley is not an admirer of
the experimental Allingham (The Mind Readers
for instance): he prefers the colour, the humour and the panache of
early novels such as Look to the Lady
and the extraordinary flair for period atmosphere which characterises
The Tiger in the Smoke.
These qualities are reflected in Mr Campion's Farewell
and there's a depth of feeling to his portrayal of the ageing
came to Lindsay Carfax,” said Mr Campion, 'because I was intrigued
by what sounded to be a really old-fashioned
mystery, the sort of mystery that required an old fashioned
Mr Campion smiled his gentlest smile.
It was and I am. But both of us have had our day.”
Not a heartbeat
passes before the publishers' eager announcement: Mr Campion will return in Mr
Campion's Fox.
Mr Campion's Farewell was completed by Mike Ripley from an unfinished partial manuscript by Philip Youngman Carter.
Published by Severn House £19.99 1.4. 2014 Currently it's only in hardback. The paperback edition is due 28.8.2014. Currently I have no details about any Kindle edition or other eformat publication but will post information when available. (JJ)
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