Wolfsong by Enid Richemont
ASIN: B00846FYX0 (ebook)ISBN: 978-0744530988 (paperback)
Age group: 14+
This story revolves around Ellie, Ellie's best friend Amy, Ellie's mother and friends. The main part of the story takes place whilst they're enjoying a holiday in a dusty old mansion in Brittany, France.
Ellie doesn't want to go on holiday with her mother. She and her best friend Amy had other plans for their summer. However, Ellie is surprised to discover Amy wants to, "Why not," she said. "It's abroad and cheap."
When the group arrive at the mansion everyone picks a room. The room Ellie picks has an old image of a young man above the bed.
'Over the bed there is a portrait - a romanic, black and white photograph of some young man, slightly misted at the edges and mount inside a big oval frame.'
Soon, all Ellie can think about is the stranger in the photograph. Who is he? What was his name? What life did he live? She then starts to hear the howl of wolves in the mansion grounds.
I don't want to spoil the rest so to find out what happens you'll have to read to book.
There's some lovely use of language to describe scene, feelings, smell etc. which draws the reader in.
The story is told in the first person, typically a POV I don't enjoy. However, when written well it works and this is the case for this book.
Reviewer - Lynne Garner
Writer of the following short story collections: Ten Tales of Brer Rabbit - Ten Tales of Coyote - Anansi the Trickster Spider - Hedgehog of Moon Meadow Farm.
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