This central character is Emily who, profoundly depressed by
a double tragedy, decides to get away from it all, leaves home, with no warning
to her parents, and travels to Scotland .
I’m conscious of the need to avoid spoilers but the book’s blurb tells how she
meets a seemingly kindly, sympathetic older man who treats her well and, in the
end, reveals that he has a croft on a small island in Shetland where she can
find the peace and solitude she needs to still the turmoil in her mind.
And the rest of the book takes place there, with the man
coming and going to bring her supplies but mainly with Emily at first loving
the solitude and a way of life stripped of all the conveniences and
distractions of today’s world. When she realises, however, that the man is
effectively holding her prisoner there, the dynamic changes and most of the
book chronicles, in her own voice, her struggle to survive and find a way back
to the mainland.
It’s a very subtle study of character as the scales are at
first lifted from her eyes but she manages to persuade herself that there may
be other interpretations for the man’s behaviour. Eventually, she’s forced to
recognise the truth and her plans become
The man’s character, too, is conveyed in the deftest of
strokes. While the reader is suspicious
of him almost from the start, his words and actions, as perceived and conveyed
by Emily, allow for other interpretations. He’s at times vicious, spiteful,
uncompromisingly cruel to her, but he also seems to show concern, affection and
even tenderness. It’s a very clever analysis of how we all want to mould
reality to fit our own desires.
Amongst all this analysis, it’s important to recognise that
Emily is a very sympathetic character. We see her weaknesses, her errors of
judgement, but I wanted her to succeed, I wanted Ian, the man, to get his
come-uppance. I admired her strength, was in awe of some of the things she
coped with and, despite the usual need occasionally to suspend disbelief, I
bought into her world. For her, it’s a journey to self-awareness; for the
reader, sharing her days on the island, the fascination is in wondering how it
will all end. And, at least in technical terms, the ending is a challenge. We
know what happened, and we know the consequences of it all but to achieve it,
Hinsley chooses a bold narrative shift that some may question. But the
over-riding impression the book leaves is of having lived a powerful experience
and been given many insights into the intimate thoughts of a real woman.
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